Hand sanitizers have become very popular nowadays. Most people have become health conscious these days. They prefer using natural ingredients like garlic and other herbs to keep their body germ free and thus preventing the spread of various diseases. In addition, many public places and restaurants use these sanitizing agents to keep the patrons and visitors safe. Thus, it is not surprising that sanitizing agents are also becoming popular as well.

An advertisement agency needs to invest in such things that will increase the business sales. These include hand sanitizer advertising kiosks as well as promotional items like glassware and gift bags that will be appealing to the general public. In this scenario, the company needs to look for different kinds of vendors so as to find an exclusive sponsorship opportunity. Since there is a huge competition in this field, the only way to increase the sales is by finding an exclusive sponsorship deal from a good company.
An exclusive sponsorship from an advertising agency will enable the company to get the best possible return on investment. The equipment like the hand sanitizer display unit will not only improve customer service but will also increase sales. The most important thing about such a situation is to make sure that the company which is sponsoring the booth does not make any competitors to come up with similar products. Only a powerful and credible firm can ensure that. Therefore, before you contact the agency, make sure that you understand their terms and conditions.
When choosing an advertising agency, it is essential to ensure that they have experience in dealing with a wide range of clients. This is because they should be in a position to provide you with appropriate solutions depending upon the type of product you are looking to display. For instance, if you are looking to promote hygiene awareness then you can opt for an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser that has sensors that automatically wash your hands every time the customer puts his or her hand inside the dispenser. Such kind of equipment is especially suitable for hospitals or clinics as it helps them to maintain proper hygiene levels in a controlled manner.
Similarly, if you are looking at promoting a sanitizing solution then a simple sanitizing solution bottle using a clear, lid with an automatic lid lock will do the trick. It is important to choose an appropriate LCD display unit for the purpose. A simple round white door with a clear lid will not suffice whereas if you opt for an automatic dispenser with a large LCD display, the customer will be able to read the detailed instructions which should include the amount of time required to clean the hands.
Further, you may also go in for an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser with a touch screen panel on which an electronic message such as ‘Swab It’, ‘Rub It’ or ‘Sneeze It’ can be displayed. Again, it should have clear glass panels and it is advisable to go in for an appropriate lid lock system. The touch screen panel should have at least one convenient button that can be used by customers without having to get up from the seat. A clear, comfortable, ergonomic seat is essential for this type of advertisement as it will help customers focus on the advertisement rather than their surroundings.
On the other hand, a hand sanitizer dispenser with a glass lid and an automatic sensor will display the directions to use the sanitizing solution without requiring any further assistance from the customer. Such types of dispensers with the touch screen panel and lids work best in public areas such as malls, supermarkets, bus stations, office buildings, etc. Therefore, you can expect to see these dispensers in places such as movie theatres, hospitals, airports, hospitals, etc.
In summary, an advertising campaign using automatic hand sanitizer display systems works well in most cases. However, you need to make sure that the signage hand cleaner displays a good slogan that attracts customers in the first place. Also, you need to make sure that you have put up the signage where there are high traffic areas such as bus stations, airports, hospitals, etc. Further, you need to make sure that you install and operate the system yourself.